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Asherah (Semitic deity)

LC control 86004361
LC classificationBL1605.A7
Topical headingAsherah (Semitic deity)
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Variant(s)Aserah (Semitic deity)
Ashera (Semitic deity)
See alsoGoddesses, Semitic
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the goddess Asherah. Works on the cultic objects mentioned in the Bible, perhaps related to the goddess Asherah, which have been variously identified as carved figurines, wooden poles, living trees, emblems or small shrines are entered under Asherahs (Jewish liturgical objects).
Subject example tracingNote under Asherahs (Jewish liturgical objects)
Found inWork cat.: Maier, W.A. Aserah, extrabiblical evidence, c1986.
I Kings 15: 13 etc.
Oxford dict. Chr. ch. (art. Asherah)
Interpreters dict. Bible.
Web. 3 ("asherah" (referring, however, to the sacred pole dedicated to the goddess Asherah))
Old catalog heading (Asherah (Deity))
Not found inHennepin