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LC control 87000436
Topical headingVisas
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Variant(s)Visas--Law and legislation
See alsoPassports
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Found inWork cat.: China (Republic : 1949- ). Hsing cheng yüan. Wai kuo jen shen chʻing to tzʻu ju ching chih shang wu chʻien cheng shen chʻa yao tien, 1984.
Black's law dict. ("Visa ... An official endorsement upon a document, passport, commercial book, etc., to certify that it has been examined and found correct or in due form. An endorsement made on a passport by the proper authorities denoting that it has been examined and that the bearer is permitted to proceed; a recognition by the country ad quem of the validity of the passport issued by the country a quo. U.S. v. Vargas, D.C.N.Y., 380 F. Supp, 1162, 1168.")
Web. 3 ("visa ... 1 : an endorsement made on a passport by the proper authorities (as of the country the bearer wishes to enter) denoting that it has been examined and that the bearer is permitted to proceed.")