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Holy fools

LC control 87004689
LC classificationBX323 Orthodox Eastern Church
BX485 Russian Orthodox Church
Topical headingHoly fools
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Variant(s)Fools for Christ
See alsoChristians
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Found inWork cat.: Thompson, E.M. Understanding Russia : the holy fool in Russian culture, c1987.
Bouyer, L. A history of Xian spirituality : III : Orthodox and Protestant and Anglican spirituality, c1965, 69: pp. 32-35 ("Fools for Christ" in Russian spirituality)
Beck, H. Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich: p. 140 (Saloi=Narren um Christi willen Jurodivyj in Russland)
Fedotov, G. The Russian religious mind II : The Middle Ages. The 13th to 15th centuries, c1966: pp. 316, 318, 324, 336, 342-343 ("Holy fools")
Wakefield, G. Westminister dict. of Xian spirtuality, c1983: Art. "Russian spirituality" ("fools for Christ")