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Shelters for the homeless

LC control 87005163
Topical headingShelters for the homeless
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Variant(s)Emergency housing for the homeless
Homeless persons shelters
Homeless shelters
Refuges for the homeless
Transitional housing for the homeless
See alsoEmergency housing
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Homeless persons
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Found inWork cat.: Financial management system for shelters for the homeless.
Encyc. soc. work.
LC database, July 14, 1987.
Magazine Index, Jan. 2, 1997 (Homeless shelter)
LC database, Jan. 2, 1997 (Homeless shelter)
Architect (Washington, D.C.), March 2021: page 65 (design for transitional housing for formerly incarcerated individuals re-entering society; housing and support services; one of Progressive Architecture Awards, 2021)
Not found inHennepin