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LC control 88000892
LC classificationQK629.C3 Botany
SB353.5.C Edible mushroom
Topical headingChanterelle
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Variant(s)Cantharellus cibarius
Egg mushroom
Golden chanterelle
Yellow chanterelle
See alsoCantharellus
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Found inWork cat.: Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. Recommended European regional standard for fresh fungus chanterelle, c1970.
Web. 3.
Usher dict. plants.
Syn. liv. org.
Britannica Micro.: v. 8, p. 102.
Americana: v. 19, p. 624.
Miller, O. Index of the common fungi of North America, 1975: p. 41 (Cantharellus cibarius, chantarelle, edible chanterelle, egg mushroom, golden chanterelle, pfifferling, yellow chanterelle)
Ainsworth, G.C. Dict. of the fungi, 1971: p. 88.
Tanaka, T. Tanaka's cyclopedia of edible plants of the world, 1976: p. 128 (Cantharellus cibarius, chanterelle)
Not found inAinsworth fungi