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LC control 89002248
Topical headingGlasnost
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Variant(s)Glasnost--Soviet Union
See alsoSoviet Union--Intellectual life--1970-1991
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Soviet Union--Politics and government--1985-1991
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the official policy of openness in Soviet society initiated in 1985 and resulting in public and candid discussion of political, economic, and cultural issues.
Found inWork cat.: Cohen, S. Voices of glasnost.
Americana yearbook 1988: pp. 537-8 (Openness and publicity)
Collier's yearbook 1987: p. 520+ (openness)
Hennepin: Glasnost (scope note; no diacritic)
IAC: Glasnost policy (Soviet Union) (no diacritic)
Random House (Openness concerning problems and shortcomings of Soviet society)