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Zinc oxide

LC control 90003294
Topical headingZinc oxide
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Chinese white
Flowers of zinc
Philosopher's wool
Wool, Philosopher's
Zinc white
See alsoOxides
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Zinc salts
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Found inWork cat.: Kuzʹmina, I.P. Okisʹt︠s︡inka, 1984.
Old catalog heading (Zinc oxide)
Hawley chem.dict. (zinc oxide; Chinese white, zinc white)
Hackh chem. dict. (zinc oxide; philosopher's wool)
Chem. abst.
LC data base, July 5, 1990.
PREMARC, July 5, 1990.
Wikipedia, Apr. 16, 2012 (Zinc oxide; an inorganic compound with the formula ZnO; other names: Zinc white, Calamine, philosopher's wool, Chinese white, flowers of zinc)
Zinc salts, 1992, via U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website, Apr. 16, 2012 (Zinc salts include three pesticide active ingredients: zinc chloride, zinc oxide, and zinc sulfate monohydrate (or zinc sulfate). Zinc salts are used as herbicides to control the growth of moss on structures, walkways, patios and lawns in rainy areas, primarily in the Northwestern U.S. Zinc oxide also is an industrial preservative, incorporated into carpet fibers to inhibit bacterial and fungal spoilage, and a bacteriostat, applied as a pressure treatment to preserve cut lumber. Other, more significant, non-pesticidal uses of zinc salts in the U.S. include use in fertilizers, animal feed, dry cell batteries, and as galvanizers.)