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Siwalik Range

LC control 93002619
Geographic headingSiwalik Range
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Geographic subdivision usageSiwalik Range
Variant(s)Churia Range
Shiwalik Foothills
Siwalik Hills
See alsoHimalaya Mountains
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Found inWork cat.: 92233555: Delcaillau, B. Les Siwalik de l'Himalaya du NeĢpal oriental, 1992.
GeoRef (Siwalik Range: foothills parallel to the main Himalayan system, extending 1000 mi. SE from N. Punjab, Pakistan, to Sikkim; UF: Siwalik Hills, Siwaliks)
Old cat. hdg. (Siwalik Range)
Lippincott (Siwalik Range; known as Churia Range in Nepal)
Web. geog. (Siwalik Range or Siwalik Hills)
Carroll vert. paleon.
Treat. invert. paleontol.
Tree and land tenure in the Churia Hills of East Nepal, 1993: p. 5 (Silwalik Mountains)
Cropping practices for soil and water conservation in Shiwalik Foothills, 1970: p. i (Shiwaliks)
Not found inGeog. thes.; Geog. thes. suppl.