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New novel (Literary movement)

LC control 93005938
Topical headingNew novel (Literary movement)
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Variant(s)Antinovel (Literary movement)
Nouveau roman (Literary movement)
See alsoFrench literature--20th century
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Literary movements--France
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Found inWork cat.: Lindsay, C. Reflexivity and revolution in the new novel, 1990.
Britannica Micro.: v. 1, p. 458 (Antinovel, also called Nouveau roman)
Beckson, K. Literary terms, a dictionary, 1975 (New novel, from the French: nouveau roman. A kind of anti-realistic novel developed by a group of French writers in the mid-1950's)
Wahba, M. Dictionary of literary terms, 1974.
Not found inShaw, H. Dictionary of literary terms, 1972; Web. 3