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LC control 93008230
Topical headingMestizos
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Variant(s)Eurindians (Latin America)
Hispano-Indians (Latin America)
See alsoEthnology--Latin America
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Multiracial people--Latin America
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Scope noteHere are entered works on Latin Americans of mixed European and Indigenous descent. Works on the racial and cultural blending that occurred in Latin America between Europeans and Indigenous peoples are entered under Mestizaje.
Subject example tracingNote under Mestizaje
Found inWork cat.: 93-137843: Reyes Govea. El Mestizo, la nación y el nacionalismo mexicano, 1992.
Encyc. of Lat. Amer., 1974 (Mestizo; in Spanish America a person of mixed racial origin, particularly one of the white and Indian ancestry; in the Andean countries of South Amer. the word "cholo" is sometimes used as a synonym for mestizo; in Brazil the Portuguese word mestiço is a generic term for mixed-bloods of all types (during the colonial period a person of Indian-white origin was referred to as a caboclo)
Americana: v. 17, p. 7 (In much of Latin America the term "mestizo" is applied to a person of mixed Indian and European ancestry)
Hennepin (Mestizos; for Latin Americans of mixed European and Indian descent; see also Chicanos, x refs. from Eurindians (Latin America), Half-breeds (Latin America), Hispano-Indians (Latin America), Indians of South America-Mixed bloods, Mixed bloods (Latin American Indians))
Web. 3 (Mestizo; 1. Mixed-blood; a. A person of mixed European and non-Caucasian stock; specif. one of European (as Spanish or Portuguese) and American Indian ancestry, b. Philippines: a person of foreign (as Chinese) and native ancestry. 2. A completely acculturated Central or So. Amer. Indian)