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Lebesgue integral

LC control 94008345
LC classificationQA312
Topical headingLebesgue integral
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Variant(s)Integration, Lebesgue
Lebesgue integration
Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral
Lebesgue's integral
Stieltjes integral, Lebesgue-
See alsoIntegrals, Generalized
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Measure theory
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Found inWork cat.: 94042043: Bear, H.S. A primer of Lebesgue integration, 1995: CIP galley (Lebesgue integral)
Math. subj. classif. (26-XX, Real functions; 26Axx, Functions of one variable; 26A42, Integrals of Riemann, Stieltjes, and Lebesgue type [see also 28-XX, Measure & integration])
Encyc. math. (Lebesgue integral: the most important generalization of the concept of an integral)
Encyc. dict. math. (Lebesgue integral or L-integral)
Eisenreich. Mathematik (Lebesgue['s] integral)
The Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral, 2000: CIP p. iii (Lebesgue or Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral)