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Rating agencies (Finance)

LC control 95003472
Topical headingRating agencies (Finance)
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Variant(s)Agencies, Rating (Finance)
Rating services (Finance)
See alsoFinancial services industry
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Found inWork cat.: 95-122784: Life insurance industry rating agencies, c1992.
OCLC FirstSearch in ABI/INFORM: National Underwriter (Life/Health/Financial services), "Rating agencies give Integon sale the once-over": v. 99, no. 3, Jan. 16, 1995 (Rating agencies)
OCLC FirstSearch in ABI/INFORM: National Underwriter (Life/Health/Financial services), "Rating agencies sway insurer investment moves": v. 98, no. 51, 52, Dec. 19-26, 1994 (Rating agencies)
OCLC FirstSearch inABI/INFORM: Euromoney, "Rating agencies face the music": no. 307, Nov. 1994 (Rating agencies, Rating services)