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Chiricahua Indians

LC control 95010346
LC classificationE99.C68
Topical headingChiricahua Indians
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Variant(s)Bedonkohes Indians
Chihennes Indians
Chiricahua Apache Indians
Chokonen Indians
Nednis Indians
See alsoApache Indians
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Indians of North America--New Mexico
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Indians of North America--Oklahoma
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Found inWork cat.: 95-217319: Mosconi, P. Douleur apache, 1995: author's note, p. 11 (Chiricahua included Chokonen, Chihennes, Nednis and Bedonkohes. The Apache Nation included the tribes of the Chiricahua, White Mountain, Mescalero, Jicarilla, Lipan and Mohave Indians)
Ethnologue: p. 43 (Apache, Mescalero-Chiricahua, New Mexico, Oklahoma)
Murdock world cult.: p. 124.
Random House.
Web. 3.