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Fluting (Architecture and decoration)

LC control 96005393
Topical headingFluting (Architecture and decoration)
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Variant(s)Flutes (Architecture and decoration)
See alsoDecoration and ornament
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Scope noteHere are entered works on closely spaced parallel grooves used to ornament columns and pilasters and in the decorative arts in woodwork, metalwork, glass, and ceramics.
Found inWork cat.: Säule und Kontext, Piedestale und Teilkannelierung in der griechischen Architektur, c1995.
Art and architecture thesaurus, 4/22/96 (fluting; ref. from: flutes (surfacing pattern))
Britannica Micro. (fluting and reeding, also called gadrooning, in architectural decoration; surfaces worked into a regular series of (vertical) concave grooves or convex ridges; frequently used on columns)
Dict. of art terms and techniques, 1981 (fluting; closely spaced parallel or nearly parallel grooves, used to embellish moldings and other surfaces)
Dict. of ornament, 1985 (fluting; vertical grooves, with a rounded or elliptical section, used on columns in Graeco-Roman classical architecture; widely applied [on] glass, silver, and ceramics)
Web. 3: fluting (a flute or series of flutes esp. as ornamentation)
Not found inEncyc. of world art