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LC control 97003456
LC classificationRC553.E76
Topical headingErotomania
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Variant(s)Clérambault syndrome
De Clérambault syndrome
Erotic delusion
Erotomanic delusion
Paranoia erotica
Psychose passionelle
Simenon syndrome
See alsoDelusions
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the delusional belief that one is loved by another.
Found inWork cat.: 97-14348: Orion, D. I know you really love me, c1997 (erotomania)
Campbell psych. dict. (erotomania, de Clérambault syndrome: a syndrome that occurs almost exclusively in females, consisting of the delusional belief that a man, usually older and of higher social status, is deeply in love with the patient. Sometimes erotomania is used as an equivalent of hypersexuality.)
Jablonski's dict. of syndromes and eponymic diseases (Clérambault syndrome, x de Clérambault syndrome, x erotic delusion, x Simenon syndrome, x paranoia erotica, x psychose passionelle)
MEDLINE, April 15, 1997 (erotomania, erotomanic delusion)
Magazine index.
Not found inMESH; Hennepin