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Zion, Mount (Jerusalem)

LC control 97004047
Geographic headingZion, Mount (Jerusalem)
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Variant(s)Christian Sion (Jerusalem)
Har Tsiyon (Jerusalem)
Har Z̲iyyon (Jerusalem)
Jabal Ṣahyūn (Jerusalem)
Mount Sion (Jerusalem)
Mount Zion (Jerusalem)
Mountain of Zion (Jerusalem)
Sion, Mount (Jerusalem)
Tsiyon (Jerusalem)
See alsoMountains--Jerusalem
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Scope noteHere are entered works on the southwestern hill of Jerusalem. Works on the places in the eastern part of Jerusalem that were at various times identified as Mount Zion are entered under the name heading ʻIr Daṿid (Jerusalem) or under the subject headings Temple Mount (Jerusalem) or Ophel (Jerusalem).
Special noteThis heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inWork cat.: 96-180340: Kahana, S. Legends of Zion, 1986 :p. 7 (Mount Zion; Zion) p. 11 ("'Mount Zion' designates the mount which stretches southwards from the Old City, facing Yemin Mosheh and prolonging its way between the Valley of Hinnom and the Kidron Brook")
BGN, Gazetteer of Israel, 1983 (Zion, Mount; Har Z̲iyyon; Jabal Ṣahyūn)
Lippincott (Zion; Sion; "Tradition names the SW hill of the city as Zion, but there is controversy about the identity.")
Web geog. (Zion; Sion; "Height, E part of the city of Jerusalem ... on it was built the Temple")
Britannica Micro. (Zion; Mount Zion; Mountain of Zion)
Britannica Macro.: v. 22, p. 358 (Mount Zion)
New Cath Encyc. (Sion; Zion; Christian Sion; Mount Sion; "Early Christian tradition ... located Mt. Sion on Jerusalem's southwestern hill.")
Encyc. Judaica (Zion; Mount Zion; Sion; Mountain of Zion; Tsiyon; Har Tsiyon; "The name Zion was first used for the Jebusite fortress ... on the southeast of Jerusalem, below the Ophel and the Temple Mount ... it was renamed 'City of David' ... and the name later included also the Ophel")
LC database, May 9, 1997 (Mount Zion)
Times atlas (Mount Zion)