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Common bean

LC control 97004767
LC classificationQK495.L52 Botany
SB327 Culture
Topical headingCommon bean
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Variant(s)Bean, Common
French bean
Haricot bean
Phaseolus vulgaris
See alsoBeans
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Found inWork cat.: 92-105805: Gargiulo, C.A. Análisis descriptivo del sector porotero del noroeste argentino ... 1986.
Peirce, L.C. Vegetables, 1987: p. 334 (Common Bean ... The common bean, used as both a snap and dry bean, ranks fifth in the U.S. among all vegetables in per capita consumption ... The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris))
Common beans, 1991: p. 57 (Edible pulses and their taxonomical classification. Vernacular name: Common bean; Latin name: Phaseolus vulgaris L.) p. 119 (In the English language, the generic term "beans" is often used not only for P. vulgaris but for other species, such as P. coccineus, and it may even refer to other genera, such as Vigna. For this reason, descriptive adjectives, such as the following are often used to distinguish P. vulgaris form other grain legumes: French beans, dry beans, food beans, field beans, beans, common beans, kidney beans, haricot beans, Phaseolus beans and dry edible beans. Common bean or haricot bean are perhaps the most common species descriptors in English, but they are not of universal usage. These and other descriptors may be employed as a species description in one country and be used to describe a specific class of beans in another. The term "field beans" may refer specifically to P. vulgaris or in general to grain legumes, depending on the user. "Field beans" often refers to Vicia faba, for example.)
AltaVista Search, June 13, 1997 (Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris))
Silverstein, A. Beans, 1975: p. 32 (American Beans Many of the American beans belong to the genus Phaseolus. Hundreds of varieties of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, are cultivated. The fleshy young pods of this species are eaten as snap beans or string beans. Varieties with yellow pods are usually called wax beans or butter beans. The white navy beans, red beans, pink beans, spotted pinto beans, and the large red kidney-shaped kidney beans are all seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris varieties. So are the black beans that are called fijoles in Mexico.)
Genetic resources of Phaseolus beans, 1988: p. 543 (common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris))
LC database, June 13, 1997 (field beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), fríjol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Feijão, Common beans, haricot bean, common bean)
Hortus 3 (Phaseolus vulgaris L. Kidney Bean, Green B. Snap B., Haricot, Common B., French B., Fijol, Runner B., String B., Salad B., Wax B.)
CAB thes. (Phaseolus vulgaris uf: beans, french; beans, kidney; field bean (phaseolus); french beans; haricot beans; kidney beans)
Tanaka cyc. plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. "Common bean" "Kidney bean" "French bean" "Haricot")