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Tekeze River (Ethiopia and Sudan)

LC control 97004776
Geographic headingTekeze River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
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Geographic subdivision usageTekeze River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Variant(s)Bahr Setit (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Nahr Satit (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Satit River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Setit River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Takkaze River (Ethiopia and Sudan)
Tekezē Wenz (Ethiopia and Sudan)
See alsoRivers--Ethiopia
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Found inWork cat.: 97-25339: The last wild river ride, 1997: chap. 1 (Tekeze River, Ethiopia, major tributary of the Nile, flows into Sudan)
GeoNet June 14, 1997: Ethiopia (Tekezē Wenz, stream, 12⁰57ʹN, 38⁰35ʹE, also 13⁰45ʹN, 38⁰15ʹE) Sudan (Satit, Nahr, stream, linked to Tekeze Wenz in Ethiopia, 14⁰20ʹN, 35⁰50ʹE: UFs from Setit, Nahr; Setit, River; Setit, Bahr)
Web. geog. (Tekeze, also Takkaze, river, rises Ethiopia, flows into Sudan, where it is called the Satit or Setit)
GEOnet stream; 12°57ʹ00ʺN 038°35ʹ00ʺE