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LC control 97008674
LC classificationTK5105.887
Topical headingWebcasting
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Internet broadcasting
Web broadcasting
Web casting
See alsoTelecommunication
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Push technology (Computer networks)
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Web publishing
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the process of delivering text, graphics, audio, or video over the Internet, chiefly on the World Wide Web.
Found inWork cat.: 97046546: Webcasting strategies, 1998. Web page, Dec. 3, 1997 (Webcasting, live or delayed sound or video broadcasting; also see Webcasting push technology; netcasting is synonym)
INSPEC on FirstSearch, Nov. 21, 1997 (in titles: webcasting)
Yahoo!'s Internet broadcasting page, Dec. 3, 1997.
WWW, June 21, 2002 (cybercasting; webcasting)