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Dimethyl sulfide

LC control 99000312
Topical headingDimethyl sulfide
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Variant(s)Dimethyl sulphide
Methyl sulfide
See alsoSulfides
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Found inWork cat.: 98-179497: Kleefeld, Christoph. Untersuchungen der Saisonalitàˆt von atmosphàˆrischem Dimethylsulfid in der Arktis und Antarktis = Investigations of the saisonality [sic] of atmospheric dimethyl sulfide in the Arctic and Antarctic, 1998: p. 7 (dimethylsulfide)
Hawley chem. dict. (Dimethyl sulfide; methyl sulfide; CAS 75-18-3, (CH[subscript 3])[subscript 2]S)