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Fault zones

LC control 99002524
Topical headingFault zones
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Distributed faults (Geology)
Distributive faults (Geology)
Fault systems (Geology)
Shatter belts (Geology)
Zones, Fault
See alsoFaults (Geology)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inWork cat.: 99-22075: Norumbega fault system of the northern Appalachians, 1999.
Gloss. geol. (fault zone: a fault that is expressed as a zone of numerous small fractures or of breccia or fault gouge; syn.: distributed fault, distributive fault; less-preferred syn.: shatter belt)
GeoREF (fault zone)
Web. 3 (Fault zone)
Random House (Fault zone)