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Cutler, Anthony, 1934-2024

LC control no.n 84001451
Personal name headingCutler, Anthony, 1934-2024
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Variant(s)Cutler, Anthony, 1934-
Cutler, Tony, 1934-2024
Birth date1934
Death date2024-05-16
Field of activityArt, Byzantine Ivories, Byzantine Ivory carving--Byzantine Empire
AffiliationPennsylvania State University
Profession or occupationArt historians Byzantinists
Found inHis The aristocratic psalters in Byzantium, 1984: t.p. (Anthony Cutler)
LC data base, 11-29-84 (hdg.: Cutler, Anthony, 1934-)
Die Freisinger Hodegetria, 2002: t.p. verso (Anthony Cutler)
Spätantike und byzantinische Elfenbeinbildwerke im Diskurs, 2008: t.p. (Anthony Cutler) p. 279 (the Evan Pugh prof. of art history at Penn State Univ.; expert on ivory carving; a resident in art history at the American Academy in Rome; a fellowship at Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies in Wash., D.C.)
Dumbarton Oaks WWW site, viewed June 11, 2024: obituary dated May 22, 2024 (Anthony Cutler (1934-2024); died on May 16, aged 90; studied at Cambridge and Emory; taught at Penn State from 1967 to the end of his career; known as Tony; expertise in Byzantine ivory carving)
Invalid LCCNn 2003033983