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Scheunemann, Frauke

LC control no.n 00027583
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2720.E938 NjP
Personal name headingScheunemann, Frauke
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See alsoAlternate identity: Hertz, Anne
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Associated countryGermany
Birth date1969
Place of birthDüsseldorf (Germany)
Field of activityFiction Law
Profession or occupationNovelists Lawyers
Found inScheunemann, Frauke. Die Bedeutung freier Träger für ambulante Massnahmen in der Jugendstrafrechtspflege, c1999: t.p. (Frauke Scheunemann)
Dackelblick, 2013: t.p. (Frauke Scheunemann) preliminaries (born in Dusseldorf in 1969. She received a doctorate in law, then worked as a journalist and press spokesperson. She has published a series of highly successful novels together with her sister)
Juni und ich, 2013: title page (Anne Hertz) page 176 (Anne Hertz is the pseudonym of sisters Frauke Scheunemann and Wiebke Lorenz)
Associated languageger