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Burge, Tyler

LC control no.n 2002103739
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBurge, Tyler
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Variant(s)Burge, C. Tyler (Charles Tyler), 1946-
Burge, Charles Tyler, 1946-
Other standard no.0000000109562171
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeLos Angeles (Calif.)
Birth date1946-01-01
Place of birthAtlanta (Ga.)
Field of activityPhilosophy
Knowledge, Theory of
Language and logic
Philosophy of mind
AffiliationUniversity of California, Los Angeles. Department of Philosophy
Princeton University
Profession or occupationUniversity and college faculty members
College teachers
Found inReflections and replies, 2003: CIP t.p. (Tyler Burge)
UCLA Department of Philosophy WWW faculty page, April 08, 2020 (Tyler Burge; Flint Professor of Philosophy; Area of Interest: Language and Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Kant and Frege; B.A., Wesleyan University (1967); Ph.D., Princeton University (1971))
Wikipedia, April 08, 2020 (Tyler Burge; born 1946, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at UCLA; Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University in 1971; joined the UCLA faculty that year (1971), and has taught there ever since, with visiting professorships also at Stanford University, Harvard University, and MIT; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1993 and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy since 1999; recipient of the 2010 Jean Nicod Prize)
American Council of Learned Societies WWW page, viewed January 8, 2025 fellow grantees (C. Tyler Burge; professor, UCLA; philosophy)
American Philosophical Association Centennial Series, 2013, viewed January 14, 2025: (Charles Tyler Burge; born January 1, 1946 in Atlanta, Georgia, Ph.D., Philosophy, Princeton, 1971)
Associated languageeng