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López, Nancy, 1969-

LC control no.n 2002107002
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLópez, Nancy, 1969-
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Associated countryNew Mexico
New York (N.Y.)
Birth date1969-09-22
Field of activitySociology
AffiliationColumbia College (Columbia University)
City University of New York
University of New Mexico
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found inLopez, Nancy, 1969- Hopeful girls, troubled boys, 2002: ECIP t.p. (Nancy Lopez) data view (b. Sept. 22, 1969) book t.p. (Nancy Lopez [all caps.]) bibliography, p. 206 (López, Nancy)
University of New Mexico web site, November 14, 2024: (Nancy López, Professor ; education: PhD 1999. Sociology, City University of New York, New York, NY.; BA 1991. Regional Studies in Latin America, Columbia College, Columbia University, New York, NY. ; research interests: Race and Ethnicity, Education, Gender, Community-based Participatory Research, Inequality, Latino/a Studies) cv (MPhil 1996, Sociology, GSUC-CUNY ; at UNM since 2001)
Associated languageeng