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Tittmann, Johann August, 1774-1840

LC control no.n 2002136939
Personal name headingTittmann, Johann August, 1774-1840
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Chittoman, 1774-1840
Found inDiss. psychologica de somniis. In Brera, Syll. opus. select., 1797, vi, 98-179.
Von den topischen Arzneymitteln gegen Augenkrankheiten. 1804
Ginkai hiroku, not before 1817: t.p. (Chittoman)
Internationaler biographischer index, WWW search, 12/04/2002 (Tittmann, Johann August; 1774-1840; med. doctor)