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Iveagh, Edward Cecil Guinness, Earl of, 1847-1927

LC control no.n 2003001511
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingIveagh, Edward Cecil Guinness, Earl of, 1847-1927
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Variant(s)Guinness, Edward Cecil, Earl of Iveagh, 1847-1927
Iveagh 1st, Edward Cecil Guinness, Earl of, 1847-1927
Iveagh, Lord, 1847-1927
Associated countryIreland England
Birth date1847-11-10
Death date1927-10-07
Place of birthClontarf (Ireland)
Place of deathLondon (England)
Field of activityBrewing industry Business Endowments Art--Collectors and collecting Art patronage
AffiliationGuinness (Firm) Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood (London, England) Farmleigh Gallery
Iveagh Gardens (Dublin, Ireland) St. Patrick's Park (Dublin, Ireland)
Profession or occupationBusinessmen Nobility--Ireland Philanthropists Art--Collectors and collecting Art patrons
Art collectors
Found inKenwood, paintings in the Iveagh Bequest, 2003: E-Cip galley (Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st Earl of Iveagh, 1847-1927; Lord Iveagh)
LC data base, May 23, 2003: (old cat. hdg.: Iveagh, Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st earl of, 1847-1927)
Iveagh pictures, 2009: title page (Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st Earl of Iveagh) page 7 (great-granson of the first Arthur Guinness; followed the family tradition of philanthropy; connoisseur of fine art, textiles and furniture, successful businessmean and public figure; oversaw the floatation of Guinness Brewery in 1886; donated the Iveagh Gardens and St. Patrick's Park to the public; bequeathed the Kenwood Estate in Hampstead Heath, London to the state; gifted works from his collections to galleries in the UK and Ireland) page 9 (born in 1847) page 10 (art collector and patron) page 11 (became Earl in 1919; died in 1927)
Wikipedia, viewed April 26, 2018 (Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st Earl of Iveagh; born November 10, 1847, Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland; died October 7, 1927, Grosvenor Place, London; Irish philanthropist and businessman)