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Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1886-1945

LC control no.n 2003039909
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBuckner, Simon Bolivar, 1886-1945
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Variant(s)Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., 1886-1945
Associated countryUnited States
LocatedWest Point (N.Y.) Leavenworth (Kan.)
Birth date1886-07-18
Death date1945-06-18
Place of birthMunfordville (Ky.)
Place of deathOkinawa Island (Japan)
AffiliationUnited States Military Academy
United States Military Academy
Command and General Staff School (U.S.)
Profession or occupationSoldiers College teachers Army officers
Found inBuckner, Simon Bolivar. Seven stars, c2004: ECIP t.p. (Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.)
Reg. of grads. and former cadets of the USMA, 1980: p. 301 (Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.; b. KY; Kld Okinawa 18 June 45; Class of 1908), 2003-07-03 (Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.; 1886-1945 was b. in Munfordville, KY; son of CSA General and Gov. of KY, Simon Bolivar Buckner, Sr.)
Kentucky encyclopedia, ©1992: page 137 ("Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr.", born July 18, 1886. Graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1908. Served in the Army and graduated from Command and General Staff School at the Army War College. Taught at West Point 1933-1936. In July 1940 he took command of the Alaska Defense Force where he continued at the beginning of World War II. In 1943 he was assigned to the command of the 10th Army, assembling in Hawaii. The 10th Army attacked Okinawa on April 1, 1945. Killed in action on June 18, 1945 on Okinawa, Japan.)
Associated languageeng