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Kohlrausch, Martin

LC control no.n 2003051860
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKohlrausch, Martin
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Variant(s)Kolʹraush, Martin
Кольрауш, Мартин
Associated countryBelgium
LocatedLouvain (Belgium)
Birth date1973-09-15
Field of activityAuthority--History--19th century
AffiliationKatholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- )
Profession or occupationHistorians College teachers
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inDer Körper der Königin, c2002: t.p. (Martin Kohlrausch)
Building Europe on expertise, 2014: ECIP t.p. (Martin Kohlrausch) data view (born September 15, 1973)
Staging authority, 2022, ©2022: title page (Martin Kohlrausch) page 4 of cover (professor of European political history at KU Leuven)
Author's Predvestniki sovremennosti, 2023: t.p. (Martin Kolʹraush) added t.p. (Martin Kohlrausch)