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Scott, Jacqueline L

LC control no.n 2003095327
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingScott, Jacqueline L.
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Special noteCannot identify with Scott, Jacqueline Lillian.
Found inThe Blackwell companion to the sociology of families, 2003: eCIP t.p. (Jacqueline L. Scott) galley (reader in sociology, Univ. of Cambridge; co-director of the Cambridge Interdisciplinary Research Ctr. on Ageing; formerly dir. of research at the ESRC Centre for Micro-social Change, Univ. of Essex, and dir. of the Detroit Area Study, Univ. of Michigan)
Gendered Lives, [2012]: t.p. (Jacqueline Scott, Professor of Empirical Sociology; University of Cambridge, UK)