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Gorman, Michael, 1965-

LC control no.n 2003114175
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGorman, Michael, 1965-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Gorman, Michael M., Jr., 1965-
Birth date1965-03-30
Found inCategories, c2004: ECIP t.p. (Michael Gorman) data view (b. Mar. 30, 1965)
Aquinas on the metaphysics of the hypostatic union, ©2017: ECIP title page (Michael Gorman, Catholic University of America, Washington DC)
OCLC database, February 8, 2017 (access point: Gorman, Michael M.; usage: Michael M. Gorman, Jr.)
Associated languageeng