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Castellnou, Joan de, active 14th century

LC control no.n 2004032802
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCastellnou, Joan de, active 14th century
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Variant(s)Castellnou, Joan de, 14th cent.
De Castellnou, Joan, active 14th century
Beginning date13
Found inCastellnou, Joan de. Compendis de la conexença dels vicis que·s podon esdevenir en los dictats del Gay saber, 2003: t.p. (Joan de Castellnou)
Salvat cat., 1968 (Castellnou, Joan de; Cat. poet of 14th cent.)
Dicc. biog., 1966 (Castellnou, Joan de; Cat. poet of first half of 14th cent.)
LC database, Aug. 11, 2004 (hdg.: Joan de Castellnou, 14th century)