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Irenicus, Franciscus, 1495-1559?

LC control no.n 2004034030
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingIrenicus, Franciscus, 1495-1559?
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Variant(s)Irenicus, Franz J., 1495-1559?
Irenicus, Friedlieb, 1495-1559?
Irenicus, Franz, 1495-1559?
Friedlieb, Franz, 1495-1559?
Friedlieb, Franciscus, 1495-1559?
Other standard no.0000000073284535
Birth date1495
Death date1559?
Place of birthEttlingen (Germany)
Place of deathGemmingen (Germany)
Field of activityTheology History
Profession or occupationTheologians Historians
Found inLudwig, Walther. Hellas in Deutschland, 1998: table of contents (Franciscus Irenicus) p. 14 (b. 1494/95 in Ettlingen as Franz Fritz; d. 1553 in Gemmingen)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Irenicus, Franciscus, 1495-1559)
Allg. deut. Biog. (Irenicus, Franz (actually Friedlieb) J., historian and theologian; b. 1495 in badischen Städtchen Ettlingen; d. 1559 in Gemmingen)
Irenicus, Franciscus. Germaniae exegeseos volumina duodecim, 1518: title page (a Francisco Irenico Ettelingiacensi exarata)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Feb. 10th, 2023 (Irenicus, Franciscus; born Ettlingen; 1495; died approximatelyv 1559; German theologian, church reformer and historian; variant names: Irenicus, Franz; Friedlieb, Franz; Friedlieb, Franciscus; Irenicus, Franz Friedlieb)