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ʻĀmūdah (Syria)

LC control no.n 2004061817
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingʻĀmūdah (Syria)
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Geographic subdivision usageSyria--ʻĀmūdah
Variant(s)Aâmoûda (Syria)
Amouda (Syria)
Amude (Syria)
ʻĀmūdā (Syria)
Found inNamî, Ahmedê. Agırê sinema Amûdê, 1987.
GEOnet, 6 Oct 2004: (ʻĀmūdah, ppl; 37°06ʹ15ʺN 40°55ʹ48ʺE; variants: Aâmoûda, Amouda, Amude)
Lippincott, 1961: ʻAmude or ʻAmudah, French Amouda; town in NE Syria, on Turkish border, 40 mi. NNE of El Haseke)
Geographic area codea-sy---