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Schlewecke (Bockenem, Germany)

LC control no.n 2004155598
Geographic headingSchlewecke (Bockenem, Germany)
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Variant(s)Bockenem (Germany). Schlewecke
Special noteSUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inUnsere Dörfer, c2002: t.p. (Schlewecke)
GEOnet Names Server, 2004-12-30 (Schlewecke, ppl.; coordinates: 52°03ʹN, 10°09ʹE)
Deut. Bundes-Adressb., 1995/96 (under Niedersachsen: Bockenem; Schlewecke, city section)
Geographic area codee-gx---