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Prochnik, George

LC control no.n 2005184847
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingProchnik, George
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Birth date1961
Found inMusic of the quills, c2006: E-CIP t.p. (George Prochnik)
I dream with open eyes, 2022: ECIP t.p. (George Prochnik) galley (Also by George Prochnik: Putnam Camp: Sigmund Freud, James Jackson Putnam & The Purpose of American Psychology; In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise; The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the World; Stranger in a Strange Land: Searching for Gershom Scholem and Jerusalem; Heinrich Heine: Writing the Revolution)
Google search, Dec 10, 2021 (George Prochnik: American literary scholar and essayist (1961-), Scholar, Writer, Literary scholar, Essayist)