LC control no. | n 2006011202 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Cotta, G. Aurelius, active 252 B.C.-248 B.C. |
Variant(s) | Cotta, Aurelio, active 252 B.C.-248 B.C. Cotta, C. Aurelio, active 252 B.C.-248 B.C. Cotta, Caio Aurelio, active 252 B.C.-248 B.C. Cotta, G. Aurelius, fl. 252-248 B.C. |
Beginning date | -0251 |
Ending date | -0247 |
Found in | Mancuso, Vincenzo. Il console Aurelio Cotta, 2004: p. 23 (Caio Aurelio Cotta) p. 54 (C. Aurelio Cotta) p. 55 (248 a.C.: Torna in Sicilia il console Aurelio Cotta che nel precedente consolato del 252 si era procurata fama di comandante accorto e rigido) Nova Roma website, Feb. 14, 2006 Roman Timeline (253 BC - (First Punic War) A small Roman fleet is wrecked off the coast of Sicily ... 252 BC - The consuls are P. Servilius Geminus (first time) and G. Aurelius Cotta (first time) ... 248 BC - The consuls are P. Servilius Geminus (second time) and G. Aurelius Cotta (second time)) <> |