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Lee, Porky, 1933-2005

LC control no.n 2006024236
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLee, Porky, 1933-2005
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Variant(s)Lee, Eugene, 1933-2005
Lee, Eugene Gordon, 1933-2005
Lee, Gordon, 1933-2005
Associated placeColorado
Birth date1933-10-25
Death date2005-10-16
Place of birthFort Worth (Tex.)
Place of deathMinneapolis (Minn.)
Field of activityActing Education
Profession or occupationActors Educators
Found inLCCN 99405556: Two too young, 1936 (511 field: Eugene "Porky" Lee)
The Little Rascals: the complete collection [VR], 2024: container (Eugene "Porky" Lee)
IMDb, Mar. 30, 2006 (Eugene 'Porky' Lee; b. Oct. 25, 1933, Fort Worh, Tex.; d. Oct. 16, 2005, Minneapolis, Minn; sometimes credited as Eugene Gordon Lee, Gordon Lee)
Wikipedia, Nov. 21, 2024 (Eugene "Porky" Lee, Eugene Gordon Lee, Oct. 25, 1933-Oct. 16, 2005, was an American child actor, most notable for appearing in the Our Gang (Little Rascals) comedies as Porky from 1935 to 1939 ; as an adult, he became an alternative school educator at Broomfield High School in Colorado ; changed his name to Gordon Lee (naming himself after his favorite Our Gang director, Gordon Douglas) to avoid any connection with his former acting career)
Associated languageeng