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Kulish, Nicholas

LC control no.n 2006071704
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKulish, Nicholas
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Associated countryUnited States Germany
LocatedBerlin (Germany)
Place of birthArlington (Va.)
AffiliationNew York Times Company
Wall Street Journal (Firm)
Profession or occupationJournalists Authors
Found inKulish, Nicholas. Last one in, c2007: CIP t.p. (Nicholas Kulish)
The eternal Nazi, 2014: title page (Nicholas Kulish) dust jacket (Nicholas Kulish is a correspondent for the New York times; he was the paper's Berlin bureau chief from 2007 to 2013)
N.Y. Times www homepage, Sept. 18, 2006 (Nicholas Kulish; on the editorial board since Sept. 2005; previously a reporter in the Washington buruea of the Wall St. journal; native of Arlington, Va.)
Associated languageeng