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Szatmari, E. (Eugen), 1892-1952

LC control no.n 2006071815
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSzatmari, E. (Eugen), 1892-1952
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Variant(s)Szatmari, E. (Eugen), 1892-
Szatmari, E., (Eugen), b. 1892
Szatmari, Eugen, 1892-1952
Birth date1892-01-23
Death date1952
Profession or occupationWriters Translators
Found inSzatmari, E. Im roten Budapest, 1919: t.p. (E. Szatmari)
NUC pre-1956 vol. 580, p. 439 (Szatmari, Eugen, 1892- )
Szatmari, E. Berlin, 2021: title page (Eugen Szatmari) page 2 (born January 23, 1892 in Budapest; journalist, translator, author, and screenwriter; wrote in German and Hungarian; died 1952)
Not found inWorld biog. information system, September 18, 2006
Associated languageger hun