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Chiappini, Azzolino

LC control no.n 2007015237
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingChiappini, Azzolino
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Associated countrySwitzerland Italy
Associated placeRome (Italy) Lugano (Switzerland)
Birth date1940
AffiliationFacoltà di teologia di Lugano
Profession or occupationTheologians
University and college faculty members
Found inChiappini, Azzolino. Amare la Torah più di Dio : Emmanuel Lévinas lettore del Talmud, 1999: title page (Azzolino Chiappini)
Facoltà di teologia di Lugano website, viewed March 17, 2022 (Azzolino Chiappini; rector emeritus of the Facoltà di teologia di Lugano; professor emeritus of fundamental theology; studied in Rome and in Fribourg, Switzerland; obtained his doctorate at the Pontificia Università gregoriana in Rome; began teaching in 1966 at the seminary of the diocese of Lugano; author of Amare la Torah più di Dio)
Bibliothèque nationale de France online catalog, viewed 2020 (authorized access point: Chiappini, Azzolino (1940-....); other data in authority record: Swiss; Italian-speaking; born 1940; author of Amare la Torah più di Dio)
Associated languageita