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Moccio, Stephan

LC control no.n 2007021202
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMoccio, Stephan
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1972-10-20
Place of birthSt. Catharines (Ont.)
Field of activityPopular music
Profession or occupationMusicians Sound recording executives and producers
Found inMoccio, Stephan. A new day has come, c2002: t.p. (Stephan Moccio)
Wikipedia, July 15, 2021: (Stephan Moccio; b. St. Catharines, Ontario; Grammy and Academy Award nominated songwriter, composer, record producer, pianist, recording artist)
SecondHandSongs WWW site, July 19, 2021: Stephan Moccio (b. October 20, 1972)