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Coulton, Jonathan

LC control no.n 2007025263
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCoulton, Jonathan
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
LocatedBrooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
Birth date1970-12-01
Place of birthNew Haven (Conn.)
Field of activityFolk-rock music
Profession or occupationComposers Lyricists Guitarists
Found inHodgman, John. The areas of my expertise, p2006: container (Jonathan Coulton; troubador)
SpongeBob SquarePants (Musical). SpongeBob SquarePants, ℗2017: insert (additional lyrics by Jonathan Coulton)
Jonathan Coulton WWW site, October 25, 2017: FAQ (Jonathan Coulton; musician, songwriter; lives in Brooklyn, NY; musical director for John Hodgman's Little gray book lectures, and the contributing troubadour for Popular science magazine) wiki (Jonathan William Coulton; born December 1, 1970, New Haven, Connecticut; songwriter, instrumentalist (primarily guitar), folk rock musician)