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Dendorfer-Ditges, Renate

LC control no.n 2007047548
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDendorfer-Ditges, Renate
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Variant(s)Dendorfer, Renate
Ditges, Renate Dendorfer-
Field of activityCorporation law Dispute resolution (Law)
Profession or occupationLawyers
Found inAktives Telefonmarketing, 2000: t.p. (Renate Dendorfer) p. [4] of cover (attorney in Munich / Germany and New York since 2001)
Arbeitsgerichtsverfahren, 2021 t.p. (Renate Dendorfer-Ditges) t.p. verso (Prof. Dr. Renate Dendorfer-Ditges, LL.M., MBA, FA arbR, HuGR and Int. WR practices corporate law, labor law, international commercial law, and dispute resolution)