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Hornuf, Lars

LC control no.n 2007057258
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHornuf, Lars
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Other standard no.Q60300175
Birth date1982
Field of activityCrowdsourcing--Security measures Data protection Financial services industry--Technological innovations
AffiliationTechnische Universität Dresden
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found inAuswirkungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichtsurteils zum Sportwettmarkt auf die deutsche Volkswirtschaft, c2006: t.p. (Lars Hornuf)
Hornuf, Lars. Data privacy and crowdsourcing, 2023: title page (Lars Hornuf) title page verso (Faculty of Business and Economics, Technische Universität Dresden)
VIAF, viewed November 15, 2023: DNB authority record (access point: Hornuf, Lars, 1982- )
Springer website, viewed November 15, 2023: product page, Data privacy and crowdsourcing, author profile (Lars Hornuf,; professor of business administration, specializing in financial services at Technische Universität Dresden; has worked on numerous projects related to crowdsourcing and data privacy; research interests also include fintech, law and finance, and behavioral science)