LC control no. | n 2007078731 |
Geographic heading | Bad Grund (Germany) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Germany--Bad Grund |
Found in | Work cat.: Publicpress Publikationsgesellschaft. Osterode, Bad Grund, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Herzberg a. Harz Wanderkarte mit Ausflugszielen, Einkehr- & Freizeittipps und Stadtplänen, Massstab 1:25.000, 2002? GEOnet, November 1, 2007 (Bad Grund, ppl, 51°49ʹN 10°14ʹE, Niedersachsen) Col. gaz. website, November 1, 2007 (Bad Grund, town, Lower Saxony, W Germany, in the upper Harz, 4 mi/6.4 km W of Clausthal-Zellerfeld; 51°49ʹN 10°15ʹE) Müllers 1996/97 (Bad Grund (Harz), St, Kr Osterode am Harz, RB Braunschweig, Niedersachs) |
Not found in | MW geog. dict. |
Geographic area code | e-gx--- |