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Gaukirche St. Ulrich (Paderborn, Germany)

LC control no.n 2008041373
Corporate name headingGaukirche St. Ulrich (Paderborn, Germany)
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Variant(s)St.-Ulrichskirche (Paderborn, Germany)
Found inNiggemeyer, Margarete. Die Gaukirche St. Ulrich in Paderborn, c2003: t.p. ( t.p. (Die Gaukirche St. Ulrich) p. 1, etc. (St.-Ulrichs- or Gaukirche; cruciform vaulted basilica; architect Bischop Siegfried (1178-1188))
Paderborn Cityportal, June 18, 2008 (Gaukirche St. Ulrich)