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Sinek, Simon

LC control no.n 2009034570
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSinek, Simon
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Associated countryUnited States
LocatedJohannesburg (South Africa) London (England) Hong Kong (China)
Birth date1973-10-09
Place of birthWimbledon (London, England)
Field of activityLeadership
AffiliationCity University (London, England) Brandeis University
Profession or occupationAuthors Motivational speakers Consultants
Found inSinek, Simon. Start with why, c2009: ECIP t.p. (Simon Sinek)
Wikipedia, July 17, 2018: Simon O. Sinek (born October 9, 1973) is a British-American author, motivational speaker and organisational consultant; born in Wimbledon, England and as a child lived happily in Johannesburg, London, and Hong Kong before settling in the United States; studied law at London's City University and received a BA in cultural anthropology from Brandeis University)
Associated languageeng