LC control no. | n 2009035891 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Irene, Empress, consort of John II Comnenus, Emperor of the East, 1088-1134 |
Variant(s) | Eiréné, Empress, consort of John II Comnenus, Emperor of the East, 1088-1134 Ēiréne, Empress, consort of John II Comnenus, Emperor of the East, 1088-1134 Irén, Empress, consort of John II Comnenus, Emperor of the East, 1088-1134 Piroska, Saint, 1088-1134 Irene Prisca, Saint, 1088-1134 Szent Piroska, 1088-1134 |
Associated country | Byzantine Empire |
Birth date | 1088 |
Death date | 1134-08-13 |
Profession or occupation | Empresses Christian saints |
Found in | Nagymihályi, Géza. Árpád-házi Szent Prioska, 2007: t.p. (Szent Piroska) p. 29-30 (Szent Ēiréne; b. most likely in 1088; her father was Szent László; married to Byzantium emperor Ióannész (II. Komménosz) for political reasons; d. 1134) cover, p. 4 (Eiréne, wife of Byzantine emperor II. Iónnész Komménosz 1118-1134) Hungarian online resources,, WWW site, June 9, 2009 (Princess Piroska of Hungary was the daughter of King Ladislaus I the Saint, Szent Laszlo or Saint Ladislaus of Hungary. She married Byzantine Emperor John II Commenus, and she became a saint of the Greek Orthodox Church. Princess Piroska was forced against her will to marry John Commenus by her uncle King Kalman (Koloman), a marriage carried out in the interests of the state. When Princess Piroska of Hungary went to live to the imperial court at Constantinople, she became Christian Orthodox and adopted the name Irene, and so she is known as Saint Irene Prisca by the Greek Orthodox Church, canonized due to her piety. Szent Piroska's feast in the Greek Orthodox Church, where she is known as Saint Irene or Xenia, is August 13, the day she died. Born: abt. 1088 Died: 1134) Wikipedia, June 9, 2009 (Szent Piroska (1088-1134. augusztus 13.) Árpád-házi magyar királylány, Irén (Eiréne) néven bizánci császárné. Szent László (1040 k.-1095) magyar király és Adelhaid rheinfeldi hercegnő (+1090) elsőszülött leánya, 1104-től Komnenosz János, a későbbi II. (Komnénosz) János bizánci császár (1118-1143) felesége, a konstantinápolyi Mindenható Megváltó Krisztus (Pantokrátor) monostora és a hozzá tartozó karitatív kórház alapítója. Mozaikképe a Hagia Szophia-székesegyházban látható. Az ortodox egyházakban szentként tisztelik. Az ortodox liturgia szerint augusztus 13-án tartják emléknapját) |