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Berry, Julie, 1974-

LC control no.n 2009037284
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPZ7.B461747 Juvenile fiction, English
Personal name headingBerry, Julie, 1974-
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Variant(s)Berry, Julianna, 1974-
Berry, Julie Gardner, 1974-
See alsoAlternate identity: Connor, Lexi, 1974-
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Birth date1974
Place of birthRhode Island
Special noteFormerly covered by n 95088553
Found inLCCN 2008022354: Her The Amaranth enchantment, 2009 (usage: Julie Berry)
Email from Library Services Centre, June 15, 2009 (email from author, June 15, 2009: b. 1974), June 16, 2009 (The Amaranth enchantment, about the author: grew up in western New York; M.F.A. in writing for children and young adults, Vermont College; lives in eastern Massachusetts; first book)
Vermont College of Fine Arts Web site, June 16, 2009 (Julianna Berry, MFA-WC&YA (01/08) alumna, worked on The Amaranth Enchantment)
Berry, Julie. The rat brain fiasco, 2010: ECIP data sheet (Julie Gardner Berry); email from publisher 2/22/10 (The Julie who wrote "The Rat Brain Fiasco" is the same author as The Amaranth enchantment.)
Daily News website, Jan. 6, 2011 (Lexi Connor is pen name of Julie Gardiner Berry, author of The Amaranth Enchantment; native of Medina, N.Y.)
Blogspot website, Jan. 6, 2011 (Lexi Connor is former pen name of woman now writing as Alexa Bourne; born in R.I.; teacher, romance, children's, and travel writer)